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Texcal Energy Mahato Inc. has conducted a joint security program with the Local Police on an ongoing basis starting from daily joint patrols, security guard training, security risk assessment, security outreach, as well as emergency security training to ensure security preparedness and readiness for any emergency situations based on the Emergency Management Plan. Thus, on Saturday 16 December 2023 a mass demonstration and civil riot exercise was carried out involving all personnel at PB site, the security company service, and the local Police.

The event focused on the readiness of our Guard, including coordinating to obtain reinforcement from the National Police and TNI as well as a series of handling emergency situations when mass protests and tendencies towards civil unrest occur in a hierarchical manner. This exercise aims to review and assess all personnel and Security tasked with responding to the incident and subsequent improvements.

Texcal is committed to focusing on continuous improvement on all matters related to Safety and Social Issues. Every risk must be managed well and maintaining partnerships with local stakeholders from various aspects that are equally beneficial is always our top priority.

Texcal Energy

Texcal Energy assets include existing primary production in the Mahato PSC, as well as highly prospective areas close to large producing Oil and Gas fields in the Bohorok and South Block A PSC’s and the South Tuban Exploration KSO.