Texcal Energy Mahato Inc. has successfully held the first Team Building Event on 8-9 December 2023 at Puncak, Cisarua, Bogor with the themes of ‘One Team One Dream Stronger as One’ and ‘Working Together Winning Together’. The Team Building 2023 Committee consists of HR, GA & IT, Finance, Subsurface and Commercial & GR.
The objectives of Team Building 2023 were for employees to know each other better, strengthen good relationships between employees and enhance teamwork. The event aims to provide a conducive platform for employees to engage in diverse activities and exercises geared towards building a spirit of togetherness.
Texcal Energy Mahato Inc. believes that such initiatives will not only enhance team dynamics but also understand each other’s communication preferences, increase employee’s productivity, boost team member’s motivation and morale, and promote awareness and respect for different cultural backgrounds, values, and perspectives.
Furthermore, Texcal Energy Mahato Inc. asserts that ‘One Team One Dream Stronger as One’ and ‘Working Together Winning Together’ are more than just a Team Building tagline. They serve as an inspiration for all employees to collectively embrace a unified perspective and work towards the achievement of shared goals.