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SKK Migas Representative Sumbagut conducted a Field Visit to the Mahato Block, PSC Texcal Mahato EP FZCO, at Petapahan-B Field, Tapung, Kampar Regency, on Wednesday, February 23, 2022.

This visit attended by the Head of Representative of SKK Migas Sumbagut (Rikky Rahmat Firdaus), Main Supervisor of Lifting SKK Migas Sumbagut (Agung Azan Nugroho) and accompanied by General Manager of KKKS Texcal Mahato EP FZCO (Ibrahim Attereh) along with other Texcal’s teams.

The visit was carried out in the context of commissioning a new tank with capacity of 5,000 barrels which will be used to accommodate oil production from future field development activities. And also in the context of reviewing the PB-09 development well, which is currently undergoing production tests, which are targeted to produce 600-700 BOPD this March.

The PB-09 well is a series of aggressive development activities carried out, where previously Texcal had successfully drilled 8 (eight) production wells within one year in 2021, in which also completed the commitment target for development wells in the POD 1 PB Field Texcal Mahato EP FZCO.

With the plan of additional production from the PB-09 well, it is expected that in March 2022, Texcal Mahato’s production will be 5,600 BOPD and will soon continue for next development program by drilling the PB-10 well.

Texcal Energy

Texcal Energy assets include existing primary production in the Mahato PSC, as well as highly prospective areas close to large producing Oil and Gas fields in the Bohorok and South Block A PSC’s and the South Tuban Exploration KSO.