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Medivac & First Aid Drill

Early March 2022, Texcal Mahato has a medical team in the field with 1 doctor and 3 nurses whose aim is to monitor employee health, treat and take medical action in emergency conditions such as work accidents, poisoning, sudden illness etc.

On April 13, 2022, Texcal Mahato has conducted a medevac (medical evacuation) and first aid drill to test and evaluate the field medical team in dealing with workplace accidents that require further treatment in hospitals in Pekanbaru. Hopefully, this drill will improve the skills and readiness of on site medic in dealing with emergency conditions, especially those related to work accidents.

Emergency Fire Drill – The Fast Response unit

Emergency drill is one of the efforts to improve personal and team capabilities that collaborate in dealing with emergency conditions, including evaluating weaknesses as a goal of improvement in the future.

HSSE took the initiative to establish a fast response unit as part of the ERT which was designed to cover all Texcal Mahato sites in no later than 10 minutes. The quick response unit team was taken from the security guard in a 4×4 patrol vehicle with rack and 50kg fire extinguisher (2ea) added.

On April 9, 2022 Texcal Mahato conducted an emergency fire drill in the pipelines to test the effectiveness of this unit with other teams where the fire case simulation point is 5 km from EPF and in this emergency drill the fast response unit team has proven effective in carrying out its functions.

Texcal Energy

Texcal Energy assets include existing primary production in the Mahato PSC, as well as highly prospective areas close to large producing Oil and Gas fields in the Bohorok and South Block A PSC’s and the South Tuban Exploration KSO.