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In a purpose to optimize local tax revenues for Kampar District, which is represented by the Bapenda (Regional Revenue Board) in accordance with letter No. 970/Bapenda-PD/2022/155 regarding “Regional Taxes”, then this field visit was carried out and was also attended by the Sumbagut SKK Migas team represented by Mr. Supriyono (Manager of Administration and Finance) and from Texcal Mahato EP FZCO represented by Mr. Rizaldy.

During the field visit, the team from Bapenda and SKK Migas Sumbagut received information regarding the field operations activities by Texcal Mahato, and also explanations related to the use of electricity and groundwater, which are part of the regional revenue component from the tax sector.

The above is Texcal Mahato’s effort to participate and support Local Government with the spirit of building together.

Texcal Energy

Texcal Energy assets include existing primary production in the Mahato PSC, as well as highly prospective areas close to large producing Oil and Gas fields in the Bohorok and South Block A PSC’s and the South Tuban Exploration KSO.