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Emergency Fire Drill – The Fast Response unit

Jakarta, May 30th, 2022. Related to Texcal Mahato’s achievement to complete all of activities in POD I in the first year production to encourage an increase in oil and gas reserves to support the achievement of long-term production targets of 1 million barrels of oil per day (BOPD) and 12 billion cubic feet of gas per day (BSCFD) by 2030, the Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) continues to encourage the implementation of the exploitation well drilling program that has been set in Optimalization Field Development (OPL) Texcal Mahato that has been proposed and approved in May 2022.

In this OPL, Texcal Mahato shows the aggressive activities by certain additional activities as follows.
– Development drilling with 13 wells
– Injection drilling with 2 wells
– And Upgrading Surface Facilities to accommodate this additional production

This drilling in OPL activities will recover additional reserve at least 7.51 MMSTB until 2042, and the drilling activities itself will expend around US$ 66,000,000 of capital cost. It is a commitment of Texcal Mahato to keep investing and contributing for National Revenue.

This OPL process has been led by Yayan Setiawan as Kepala Divisi of Teknologi Pengembangan Lapangan (Kadiv TPL) and also Ibrahim Attereh as GM Texcal Mahato who has the same goal to make OPL process fast and smooth, so Texcal Mahato can continue the drilling activity immediately after OPL Approval.

Texcal Energy

Texcal Energy assets include existing primary production in the Mahato PSC, as well as highly prospective areas close to large producing Oil and Gas fields in the Bohorok and South Block A PSC’s and the South Tuban Exploration KSO.